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Eclipse Season is about Transformation…Here’s Why…

There is always so much hype in the mainstream about eclipses, scaremongering and fear-based narrative… you might be wondering what EVEN is the Eclipse and why does it matter? Something about the positions of Earth, the Sun & the Moon…. I mean how can that impact us???

Eclipses happen every year…so what’s the big deal? Well, here’s the celestial mechanics of it all…

The Celestial Mechanics of Eclipses

At the heart of an eclipse lies the precise alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. A solar eclipse occurs during the New Moon, when the Moon positions itself between the Earth and the Sun, obscuring the Sun's light. Conversely, a lunar eclipse happens during the Full Moon, when the Earth aligns between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon.

The Symbolic Essence of the Celestial Bodies

  • The Sun represents our core identity, ego, and the essence of our being. It is the life force that illuminates our path, enabling growth and vitality. The Sun represents the masculine nature of who we are and who we are to become in the world.

  • The Moon reflects our emotions, intuition, and the hidden aspects of our psyche. It governs our emotional responses and our capacity for reflection and adaptation. The Moon represents the feminine nature of who we are and how we experience the world, being linked to feeling.

  • The Earth symbolizes the ground of our existence—our physical reality, the material world, and our personal foundations and structures. The reality and physicality of how our life plays out.

The Nodes of Fate: A Cosmic Crossroad

The Nodes of Fate, or the lunar nodes, are points where the Moon's orbit intersects the Earth's orbital plane around the Sun. The North Node represents our soul's purpose and the direction for growth, while the South Node signifies past karma and the attributes we need to release. During eclipse season, these nodes are activated, signifying a period of karmic lessons and evolutionary growth.

The Eclipse Season: A Portal of Transformation

Eclipse seasons unfold when the Sun approaches the vicinity of the lunar nodes, enabling the New Moon or Full Moon to align precisely with the Sun and Earth. This alignment catalyses the solar and lunar eclipses, marking a period of approximately 35 days filled with potential for significant life shifts.

Transformation Beyond Our Control: Fate vs. Free Will

Eclipses are cosmic recalibrations, often bringing about changes that seem beyond our control. They illuminate the parts of our lives that require evolution, shedding light on shadows and revealing truths that we might have ignored. This interplay between fate and free will invites us to surrender to the cosmic flow, trusting that the transformations underway are aligned with our soul's growth.

The Current Eclipse Season: Libra/Aries Axis

We are in currently in the midst of an eclipse season occurring on the Libra/Aries axis (which is where the nodes are currently positioned), the themes of self (Aries) and other (Libra) are highlighted. Aries, ruled by Mars, ignites our courage, assertiveness, and individuality. Libra, governed by Venus, encourages harmony, balance, and partnership.

This axis prompts us to find equilibrium between our personal desires and our commitments to others.

Working with the Eclipse Energy

To navigate this eclipse season effectively, one must embrace both the challenges and opportunities for growth that come with this Libra/Aries polarity. Here are ways to harness this energy:

Journal Prompts for this Eclipse Season:

  1. Where in my life am I being called to assert my independence (Aries), and where am I being asked to cultivate harmony and partnership (Libra)?

  2. How can I balance my personal needs with the needs of those around me in a way that fosters growth and mutual respect?

  3. Reflect on a recent situation where you had to compromise or assert yourself. What did you learn about your needs and boundaries?

Practical Ways to Work with the Energy:

  1. Embrace Balance: Actively seek ways to create equilibrium in your life. This might involve setting boundaries, negotiating relationships, or finding new ways to express your individuality within partnerships.

  2. Cultivate Courage and Compassion: Harness Aries' bravery to address areas of life that require change and apply Libra's love for peace to do so with understanding and grace.

  3. Reflect and Release: Use the transformative power of this eclipse season to let go of patterns, relationships, or situations that no longer serve your highest good. Meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature can facilitate this process.


The Alchemy of Eclipses

Eclipse seasons are profound periods of cosmic alchemy, offering opportunities for deep transformation. As we navigate these celestial events, it's crucial to remember that while some changes may feel fated, our responses to them are within our control. By engaging with the energy of the eclipse, reflecting on our paths, and taking intentional action, we can align more closely with our soul's purpose and manifest positive change in our lives.

And if fate steps in and delivers you something unexpected, you always have free-will. It’s up to you how you respond.

As we embrace the mysteries of the universe, let us remember that each eclipse is a reminder of our potential for renewal and growth.

May this eclipse season bring you clarity, transformation, and a deeper connection to your own cosmic journey. And if you need support - book a reading, every reading is always divinely timed.