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July 4th General Election 2024: What the Stars Reveal About the Future of the UK

As the UK gears up for a General Election on July 4th, 2024, the stars and planets offer intriguing insights into the potential outcomes and energies at play. Astrological perspectives can provide a unique ‘third party’ lens through which to view the political landscape, shedding light on the underlying currents influencing voter behaviour, candidate fortunes, and the national mood. In this piece, I'll delve into the astrological charts and transits that coincide with this pivotal moment, exploring how cosmic alignments might shape the future of the UK. Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or simply curious about celestial influences, join me on this journey to uncover what the stars have in store for this landmark election.

Chart of 4th July

This chart is from July 4th, 2024, in London at 10pm, which is when voting closes. The votes will have closed, and while we might not yet know the result, the outcome will exist.

Sun in Cancer = The Women’s Vote

The first place to look is where the Sun is located as this is always one of the most significant energies at play, having the most influence over the neutrino stream. And it’s in Cancer – along with Venus & also the Moon. So, a significant proportion of the astrology is in Cancer, and Cancer is the archetype of the family, home, the mother, and it’s a Water Sign.

Side note - synchronistic echoes of this are already visible with Rishi Sunak standing in the pouring rain when he announced the election!

With all of this energy in Cancer – the Sun representing us, our life force; the Moon – our emotions; and Venus – our values, we can expect some serious pre-election campaigns around the family, the home, and how they are going to ‘win’ from both sides.

There may also be a lot of propaganda aimed at women, mothers, and perhaps a suggestion that their vote will be the one that matters in the election. Cancer is occupying the 6th House (the house of being of service), so focus on winning the votes of ‘working families’ will be a huge theme.

Thank goodness we only have six weeks of this nonsense to listen to!

Politicians Speaking Life Our BFFs

Mercury is in the 7th House in Leo, bringing big main character energy and a lot of talking directly to the camera from the politicians, like they are alongside us (7th House partnership, close to you and understanding you vibes) to win us over with charisma. I mean, that’s typical election campaign stuff, but you can expect it to be more cringey than ever this time around.

The 7th House also represents open enemies, that thin line where someone is a really close friend or lover, ally but can flip in an instant to be an enemy due,

You might really get the sense that the politicians are ‘acting’ with this placement.

Pluto’s Transformation Energy at Play

Directly opposite Mercury in the 1st House is Pluto in Aquarius, creating tension. Pluto brings about change through death and rebirth, transformation, and of course, every election brings that energy.

Pluto is retrograding at 1 degree of Aquarius, reminding us how perhaps democracy (opposite in the 7th House) has not always been all that it has promised in terms of transforming our lives.

Pluto’s energy takes time, and the fact that it is right at the AC (the Ascendant) suggests this election and whoever is voted in is going to initiate those changes, although perhaps not through making all the promises they make (as it’s opposite Mercury which represents what is said).

We have 20 years of Pluto being in Aquarius, and it’s going to transform our collective experience – see more about this in my blog.

Th 3rd House of Communication

Another area of concentrated energy is down in the 3rd House, where we have the collective North Node, Chiron & Neptune.

The 3rd House represents our intellect, the mind, and communication. The North Node being here and in Aries suggests some explosive communication about the future, but as it also represents our collective path and the North Node in Aries is also resonant with the energy of war.

Will this election bring us closer to the wars that already exist in the world, which we very much try to hide from and disassociate from in the UK?

Will this election bring us closer to war within ourselves as we perhaps realize that the political system is no longer representative of us as individuals? People may feel incredibly disillusioned – I don’t know about you, but neither party represents ME and my value systems, or is leading us towards the world I want to see.

With Chiron also down in this part of the chart representing the archetype of our greatest wounding, perhaps we will remember how all previous elections have been won on promising great things, but delivering much less. There is a real sense of feeling lost, angry, and not knowing how we can create change.

Neptune is also in the 3rd House but is in the final degree of Pisces. Neptune represents what is not always visible, secrets, and lies, and is in Pisces, the home of hopes and dreams. So, what are we being lied to about? How can we discern the truth?

Directly opposite the North Node, we have the South Node, which represents our collective karma, or the collective karma of this election and what will follow, and it’s in Libra – the sign of balance and harmony, and it’s up in the 9th House, which represents spirituality, optimism, hope, and freedom. This idea that we have lost our freedom and our way because of our collective desire to always be in harmony, to avoid confrontation, to bury our heads in the sand and let things go on which we disagree with. What lessons can we learn from this?


Saturn Showing Us The Financial Storm that’s Being Brewing for Decades

Saturn is in Pisces in the 2nd House. Saturn can represent where we have difficulties, where we need to mature, slow down, or create more boundaries. The 2nd House is all about our money, our resources, having enough to feel safe and secure, and Pisces is the sign of our hopes and dreams, but also represents what is perhaps hidden.

It’s likely a period of austerity will follow, with people feeling the material impact in their own lives. Saturn & Neptune both being in Pisces could also bring an awakening of the people – with everything going cashless, people might start to question what is money really?

Why do we suddenly have less of it when it has been reduced to being only numbers on a screen?

There is no physical transaction anymore. That sense of how do the financial systems even operate without physical money? This is a theme that will build as Pluto moves through Aquarius over the next 20 years, but the years that follow this election might really drive this home.

With people working harder, why do we year on year have less in our pockets, less stability? And it’s nothing to do with which party is voted in, it’s an issue that transcends UK politics.

The Hidden Aspects

Mars and Uranus are in the 4th House at the bottom of the chart (the IC), which is the most hidden part of the chart. The 4th House represents family, the home, and where we feel safe. Mars being here suggests hotness, some anger at a family level – perhaps ‘war’ within marriages and homes over who is voting for whom.

As I said earlier, this election is about women, and the 4th House is ruled by women, so their action represented by Mars is another factor pointing towards the importance of the women’s vote. Uranus is almost right on the IC, so this election could bring surprises, rebellion, and something we are not expecting. Only time will tell…

Truth Frequency

Jupiter is in Gemini suggesting we are going to get absolutely bombarded with messaging everywhere we look. Gemini asks us to see both sides, but it’s very dualistic – it’s this or that, and of course, that is what we are being forced to look straight in the eye.

Red or blue as your only choices when perhaps the country wants and needs something different altogether. How free are we really when our choices are so limited? It will, of course, get very loud, and so what Jupiter in Gemini teaches us is to listen to what is just noise and what resonates as truth.

The Future

While the charts reveal potential tensions and transformative energies, they also highlight opportunities for growth, awakening, and positive change. The concentration of Cancerian energy emphasizes the importance of family and home and that women play a vital role in the course of the future – something that the politicians will be talking to.

Perhaps you have heard the quote by the Dalai Lama "The world will be saved by the western woman," It will be us who decide we can no longer tolerate the demise of the feminine and by that I don’t mean women, I mean our values, the need to value peace and caring for our families and children FIRST. We will create the new through our vision. This election will perhaps recognise that, even if for now we are confined to voting for someone that doesn’t in any way represent us. We will find ways to bring change (hello Uranus energy!).

The interplay of Mercury, Pluto, and the Nodes suggests that despite the challenges and disillusionment we may face, there is a path forward beyond this election that calls for greater authenticity, communication, and a re-evaluation of our collective priorities.

While this election certainly isn’t going to solve all our problems, let us remain hopeful and proactive, using this election as a catalyst for creating a future that aligns more closely with our ideals and aspirations.

Focus on your family, your life, connecting with YOUR values and your own highest timeline. I can’t tell you who to vote for, or whether to vote at all, but my biggest recommendation would be to shut out the noise and discern what FEELS like truth to you.

When we all remember how do this, we have a chance to change it all for the better.

Bring on Pluto in Aquarius ;)