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Liberation From Good Girl Conditioning

In a world where we become suffocated by what society tells us will make us happy and a to-do list packed with obligations, many of us — especially as women — find ourselves ensnared in the tangled web of people-pleasing and conformity.

From a tender age, we're indoctrinated with the mantra of being polite, accommodating, and, above all, "ladylike." Ever get told to ‘be a good girl’?

Meanwhile, boys are granted far more freedom to express themselves unabashedly, to make a noise, to play loudly and stand up for themselves while we're taught to stifle our anger, suppress our emotions, and mould ourselves into palatable versions of femininity. Of course, men have their own set of conditioning too - to not cry, show weakness and to be a real man which is just as toxic.

Ever wondered why more boys get diagnosed with ADHD & autism than girls? There is evidence to suggest that it’s because girls are better at people pleasing and so disguising traits which are not desirable.

We grow up with layers of conditioning which programme us to people please FIRST, ahead of our own wants, desires and needs. All of this means we don’t know how to access our authentic self, let alone become tapped into our purpose.

But how does all of this relate to Human Design and Astrology, you might wonder?

Human Design: Unraveling the Energetic Blueprint

At the heart of Human Design lies the revelation of your unique energetic blueprint—the interplay of defined and undefined centres shaping your interactions with the world. These are the centres (shapes) which are not coloured in on your bodygraph - and you can run your bodygraph & get a free Human Design mini report here:

For many women, the undefined centres in the bodygraph serve as fertile ground for the "good girl" conditioning to take root. We absorb the energies, thoughts, and feelings of others, prioritizing their needs over our own and forsaking our own authenticity in the process.

When we have awareness of this, it can be a defining WTF moment… and with knowledge comes power - the power to de-condition and release those limiting beliefs that have become a false part of our identity. Start living and making decisions which are truly aligned with who we are underneath all of that. To learn to speak our truth. Act from the heart and live the life we are meant to live. Not someone else’s.

Astrology: Navigating the Cosmic Tapestry

Enter astrology, a cosmic roadmap guiding us towards self-discovery and empowerment. By decoding the positions of celestial bodies and planets at the time of our birth, astrology unveils the hidden facets of our psyche and can shed some serious light on our soul's purpose. Through the lens of astrology, we gain insight into our innate gifts, talents, and dharma, empowering us to reclaim sovereignty over our lives.

Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction 21st April 2024: Cosmic Catalyst for Liberation

This rare alignment where Jupiter & Uranus meet in the sky is characterised by the expansive energy of Jupiter and the rebellious spirit of Uranus, heralds a potent catalyst for breaking free from societal constraints, from all of this conditioning and good girl programming.

Uranus, the rebel of the cosmos, disrupts the status quo, shattering illusions and inviting us to embrace radical authenticity. Paired with Jupiter, the cosmic expander, this conjunction magnifies our capacity for growth and liberation, amplifying the energies of change and innovation.

This transit might highlight areas where you need to rebel, where you want to rebel, to do something DIFFERENT. You might really be noticing how good girl conditioning is limiting you, where you suddenly feel the courage and urge to make a change, to no longer conform with rules that family, society, education and the world of work have placed around you.

So notice what comes up in the coming weeks - how strongly this impacts you will be dependant upon your own individual chart, but it’s a noticeable energy for ALL of us.

Collectively we might see women’s rights be centre stage, more talk of flexible working and an energy of ‘something different’ in the air.

When you break free, you give permission for every other woman in your field to break free too. Your mother, your daughter, your sister, your friend. When you rise, so do they.

Breaking Free: The Cosmic Dance of Liberation

By combining the insights of Human Design and Astrology with the catalysing energy of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction offers a pathway to liberation from the shackles of people-pleasing. By acknowledging the energy dynamics revealed in our Human Design charts, we begin to discern between our authentic desires and external influences. Astrology further empowers us to embrace our unique strengths and talents, guiding us towards a life aligned with our soul's calling.

For help with de-conditioning and de-coding your Human Design & Astrology chart book a reading with me. I love helping women remember who they are, reconnect with their soul purpose and reignite their passion for life.