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What is Human Design?

What is Human Design and how can it help your remember who you were before the world told you who to be?

Human Design is often said to be like astrology on steroids… it takes the ancient wisdom of astrology and brings it to life through an energy map of the human body, known as the bodygraph. It sort of nonchalantly takes the stance that while astrology is an incredible source of wisdom, it doesn’t give you a strategy to take into the world in order to make aligned decisions, a roadmap you can actually use- daily to stay connected to your soul purpose.

Human Design goes that step further and connects the wisdom of the cosmos directly to your human body. It’s a unique lens which can help you understand how your unique body is designed to take in information, process and make decisions.

Human Design connects the wisdom of astrology cosmos to your human body.

One of the most powerful aspects of Human Design is its ability to illuminate the mechanics of our decision-making process. By identifying our unique strategy and authority, and learning how to FEEL that in the body, we can bypass the noise of conditioning and societal expectations, and instead, make choices that are aligned with our true nature.

For example, Generators, the most common type in Human Design, are designed to attract everything that is meant to towards them through their warm and enveloping aura, and then RESPOND. They have the capacity through sacral energy to feel YES and NO in their body. By following this approach they will automatically make aligned choices and stay on purpose.

You can check your Human Design our for free here:

But what exactly is Human Design?

At its core, Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom traditions, including astrology, the I Ching, the Chakra system, the Kabbalah, and also the more modern science of quantum physics and genetics. Conceived by Ra Uru Hu in 1987, Human Design combines these diverse influences to create a comprehensive map of the energetic blueprint encoded in our birth charts.

Unlike traditional astrology or personality typing systems, Human Design goes beyond identifying surface-level traits to delve deep into the essence of our being. It reveals our unique energetic configuration, providing a holistic framework for understanding ourselves and our interactions with the world.

So is Human Design better than astrology?

My belief is that Human Design and astrology work beautifully TOGETHER. I love using both in all of my readings. Human Design gives practical tools to help stay on path, but I personally believe nothing beats astrology when viewed through an evolutionary lens to see the souls purpose.

Through weaving both together magic can happen…

What sets my approach to Human Design apart?

I make things so relatable, I talk in language you will understand and I love breaking complex theories and concepts down into a way that speaks to your heart and soul.

This means I’m able to bring together Human Design and Astrology into all of my readings. You don’t have to choose between them (but of course you can if you want to!).

Whether you're new to Human Design or already experimenting with it, my approach is rooted in compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of the human experience.

Try my free masterclass to get a taste…

Human Design as a catalyst for transformation and self-empowerment.

Human Design invites you to peel back the layers of conditioning and societal programming, revealing the radiant truth of who you are at your core. To do that you have to connect with your physical body, to allow it show you through feeling what is meant for you… and what isn’t.

You have an inner guidance system, which as a child you would have followed naturally, at least in the beginning, without even knowing it. It told you what felt good, what you enjoyed… and what you didn’t. But the guidance system probably got overridden through conditioning - maybe believing you had to put other peoples needs above your own, that what other people thought was more important than following your path or speaking your truth, or being told you were ‘too much’. These are just a few examples of conditions placed upon our existence, which teach us we need to show the world a more palatable version of who we are and what we feel.

School is often a huge contributor - we go from following our guidance system, to being told what to wear, when to eat, when we are allowed to go to the toilet and we are required to sit still and listen for large parts of the day. We are all treated the same, made to learn the same way.

When we find parts of this hard, perhaps we can’t concentrate, maybe we don’t do well in exams, or feel like we have to hide our real feelings then we feel like we are failing at life. That we aren’t good enough.

However, the problem is not us. We are all unique and trying to learn in an education system that does not allow for our differences. Even if school tells us to celebrate our uniqueness, this is not our felt experience. Our experience feels like if we aren’t thriving, there is something wrong with us.

Human Design teaches you to reconnect with your unique blueprint, to recognise your inner guidance system and remember who you are deep down. When you start to realise that conditioning is the main reason you don’t feel connected to your purpose, everything changes.

You can start making decisions which serve you and not other people.

Stop people pleasing and start living the life you are meant to.

As an expert in Human Design and Astrology I loved seeing women start to recognise themselves underneath the conditioning placed upon them. I just love guiding them back to a place of personal empowerment, when there are often hidden talents, untapped potential, and dormant passions waiting to be unleashed into the world.

Human Design is more than just a map of your individuality – it’s a tool for living an aligned life. To connect back to yourself, dance in harmony with the universe, to fulfil your soul's highest purpose with truth and authenticity.