
To know spirit is to:

Remember your authentic self in a world which has lost its way

Reconnect with, and love who you are when all of the labels which define you are removed

Rediscover your inner wisdom, guiding you to authentic self-expression

Listen to the whispers of intuition, leading you back home to your true self

Navigate life with purpose, fuelled by the wisdom within your soul

Recognise the sacred essence within, revealing your unique path of purpose

Dance with the rhythm of your soul to choreograph the melody of your purpose

Find peace in the sanctuary of your being, safe in the knowledge that everything is happening for you, not to you

Reconnect with, and love who you are when all of the labels which define you are removed

Embrace true femininity in order to shift paradigms in a masculine world

Be in conversation with the universe, to co-create the life you desire

About Becky…

I once was that little girl who found magic in dance, play, and heart-to-heart chats with 'imaginary friends,' feeling a connection to the stars. But, as life unfolded, reality set in, and I found myself on society's treadmill, chasing material success and meeting expectations. In the hustle, I lost touch with the free-spirited girl who knew there was more to life, a purpose beyond the daily grind.

For the past seven years, I've been on a mission to rediscover the secrets of feeling purposeful.

Guess what? It's entirely possible to break free from society's narrative about who you are. You can navigate the material world while keeping your soul shining, proving that you are a powerful woman who matters—sometimes, you just need a nudge to remember who you are.

Guiding you to know spirit through…

The lens of Human Design…

Human Design is often said to be like astrology on steroids… it takes the ancient wisdom of astrology and brings it to life through an energy map of the human body, known as the Bodygraph. It sort of nonchalantly takes the stance that while astrology is an incredible source of wisdom, it doesn’t give you a strategy to take into the world in order to make aligned decisions, a roadmap you can actually use- daily to stay connected to your soul purpose.

Human Design goes that step further…

Human Design is more than just a system

Human Design is a vehicle that allows you to embrace the magic of who you are, guiding you back to your true self and offering a daily invitation to align with your individual blueprint.

In a world where we are not designed to be alike, Human Design celebrates the perfectly imperfect constellations within us all, fostering growth and self-discovery.

Guiding you to know spirit through…

The lens of Evolutionary Astrology

You might have heard that we are all made of stars?

We are all stardust in human form. The elements that make up who we are and everything in our physical existence are created through nuclear fusion processes deep within stars.

When massive stars reach the end of their lifecycle, they undergo supernova explosions, dispersing these newly formed elements into space. These elements eventually coalesce into new stars, planets, and even life forms, including us and so the atoms that make up our bodies, the Earth, and everything around us were once forged within the fiery cores of stars billions of years ago.

There is physically interconnectedness between all of us, between us and the Earth and with the cosmos. The microcosm is always mirrored by the macrocosm.

As above, so below.

Enter Evolutionary Astrology – a lens to see this interconnectedness…

Evolutionary Astrology is a branch of astrology which interprets the birth chart as a roadmap of your soul journey. It is based upon the idea that our birth was perfectly timed in order to give our soul a unique and purposeful experience.