What a Time to be Alive

A Visionary Astrology Masterclass

Do you FEEL it?

The undeniable shift in the air, the sense that now is a pivotal time to be alive.

For you.

For all of us.

For Mother Earth.

Astrology, as always, mirrors what you feel and know. Your soul came here for this exact moment. The next 18 months will bring some crucial planetary transits that we are already starting to feel.

Understanding the energy is VITAL to navigating it for lightworkers. Maybe you don't know what a Lightworker is, or have not heard the term before, but the chances are if you are reading this you are one…

Read my blog post linked here which talks about ‘What is a Lightworker REALLY?’

A Journey into the Collective & Personal Energetic Themes of this Time

Introducing: "What a Time to be Alive" - A Live Visionary Astrology Masterclass

Join me for an enlightening journey where we will delve into the collective and personal themes of this transformative period.

This Masterclass is For:

  • New Earth Leaders: Visionaries ready to pioneer and lead in the emerging global consciousness.

  • Mission-Driven Souls: Those with a profound sense of purpose, who feel they are here for a reason or sense there is more within them waiting to be unleashed.

  • Agents of Change: Anyone eager to contribute to and shape new paradigms in our evolving world.

    You don’t need to know anything about astrology to join, I’ll be running through how to run your birth chart & how to apply this knowledge.



Earth’s Story

Understand where we are right now in ‘history’ and what this means. We'll be diving into The Ages of Yuga and how this is relevant to right now - the karmic cycles of Earth and how this connects to what you are experiencing and feeling right now.

Visionary Astrological Insights

Astrological forecast and interpretation of the major planetary movements over the next 18 months (and beyond) and their impact on a collective and personal scale.

⚡Pluto’s impact on the next 20 years

⚡Neptune ending a karmic cycle & Saturn’s contribution to this

⚡The North & South Node shift adding to the intensity

⚡A time of Quantum Shifts


Translation to your Personal Chart

Understand how to personally align with these cosmic energies and leverage them for your personal mission & soul journey.

You’ll also get access to a 26 page ebook ‘The Houses, Planets & Signs Decoded’, packed with information to decode your chart.


And more…

Planets in Ether

Solar Flares

Schumann Resonance


Guided meditation / activation to help you walk your highest timeline.



“Your workshop offered exactly the perspective shift I needed, bringing upliftment and guiding us toward the light we all need right now.

I really appreciated how you connected the astrology to real world events and themes and addressed relevant topics, it came across as effortlessly COOL”
