Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

Witches through HIStory

It’s so interesting how history is called HIStory, it literally is the stories of the past told through the eyes of men. Women have either been written out of those stories, or represented in a way which doesn’t reflect their power, strength or truth.

Witches being a classic example of this. The word witch comes from the word ‘wicca’, which has been derived from the Scottish word ‘wica’ meaning ‘wise one'.

And so all women are witches.


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Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

Why Friday 13th is A Day of Feminine Power

For generations, Friday the 13th has been feared as an unlucky day, a notion reinforced by horror films and ominous myths. The dread surrounding this date is so ingrained that many of us brace for misfortune when it arrives. But what if there’s more to this story than superstition?

The notion of Friday and the number 13 as symbols of bad luck is a relatively modern invention, dating back only about a century. Yet, this superstition has deep roots in ancient myths and cultural shifts. The fear of Friday the 13th even has its own term—paraskevidekatriaphobia. But where did this fear originate, and what does it obscure?

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Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

What is a Lightworker REALLY?

In the vast and varied landscape of spiritual terminology, the term "lightworker" often evokes images of ethereal beings, mystical practices, and an otherworldly aura of enlightenment. While these associations hold some truth, they can sometimes obscure the deeper, more practical essence of what it means to be a lightworker in the modern world.

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Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

July 4th General Election 2024: What the Stars Reveal About the Future of the UK

As the UK gears up for a General Election on July 4th, 2024, the stars and planets offer intriguing insights into the potential outcomes and energies at play. Astrological perspectives can provide a unique ‘third party’ lens through which to view the political landscape, shedding light on the underlying currents influencing voter behaviour, candidate fortunes, and the national mood. In this piece, I'll delve into the astrological charts and transits that coincide with this pivotal moment, exploring how cosmic alignments might shape the future of the UK. Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or simply curious about celestial influences, join me on this journey to uncover what the stars have in store for this landmark election.

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Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

The Power in Womanhood

As women, we are more connected to the rhythm of the cosmos than we know, than we have been taught to understand. We are the living embodiment of the law of correspondence - as above, so below… as within, so without.

Our lives are intertwined with the celestial dance of the planets and stars. This might sound pie in the sky, or woo-woo but just maybe it resonates as truth as you read on.

Just as the Moon waxes and wanes, as women we experience the ebb and flow of our own inner tides.

We are cyclical beings, like the Moon we change throughout the month. Sometimes wanting to show more of ourselves and sometimes less. Sometimes we want to bring light, be the light and at other times we want to be hidden and introspective.

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Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

Embracing the Fires of Beltane

As spring blossoms into its full glory, the ancient Celtic festival of Beltane emerges on 1st May, marking a time of fertility, passion, and the celebration of life. Rooted in both astronomical and historical contexts, Beltane holds a unique position in the calendar, falling exactly halfway between Equinox & Solstice.

Beltane always coincides with the steadfast presence of Taurus season. Taurus season – when the Sun is in the constellation of Taurus, falls between April 20th and May 20th and is a time when much of the the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth bursts forth with vitality and abundance.

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Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

Pluto's Journey Through Aquarius: A Prelude to the Golden Age of Aquarius

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, celestial bodies weave a tapestry of influences that shape the very essence of our existence. Among them, Pluto, the enigmatic dwarf planet, holds a special place in the hearts and minds of astronomers and astrologers alike. Its journey through the zodiacal sign of Aquarius signals a profound shift in the cosmic landscape, heralding the prelude to the much-anticipated Age of Aquarius.

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Rebecca Clissett Rebecca Clissett

Liberation From Good Girl Conditioning

In a world where we become suffocated by what society tells us will make us happy and a to-do list packed with obligations, many of us — especially as women — find ourselves ensnared in the tangled web of people-pleasing and conformity.

From a tender age, we're indoctrinated with the mantra of being polite, accommodating, and, above all, "ladylike." Ever get told to ‘be a good girl’?

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