The Power in Womanhood

As women, we are more connected to the rhythm of the cosmos than we know, than we have been taught to understand. We are the living embodiment of the law of correspondence - as above, so below… as within, so without.

Our lives are intertwined with the celestial dance of the planets and stars. This might sound pie in the sky, or woo-woo but just maybe it resonates as truth as you read on.

Just as the Moon waxes and wanes, as women we experience the ebb and flow of our own inner tides.

We are cyclical beings, like the Moon we change throughout the month. Sometimes wanting to show more of ourselves and sometimes less. Sometimes we want to bring light, be the light and at other times we want to be hidden and introspective.

Our monthly cycles EXACTLY coincide with the lunar cycle. The Moon rules feminine energy, yin and is the celestial representation of women. She shows us what we need to feel, how to BE and how emotions rule what we want to do. How when we don’t listen to our emotions we are driven to pursue the wrong things.

Masculine & Feminine Energy

The Sun is masculine, moving through a 24 hour cycle, showing us what to DO, when to eat, when to sleep and is the ruler of masculine energy, The Sun represents men. He shows how we need to take action, that we need to use our life force, yang energy. Our world is ruled by the Sun and masculinity.

On Earth we see this replicated through the creation of men and women, of masculine and feminine, but regardless of gender we have both energies running through us, both are available to us and we need to honour and connect with the divine or positive aspects of both.

As women we need to however understand that because we are the physical embodiment of yin, moon, feminine energy and we function best when we can lean into this aspect of self more. To work on a deeper level with how we feel, our intuition and be guided by our energy levels which vary through our own natural cycle. When we respect this and start to live this way it might feel like we are doing less, falling behind but we are immensely more powerful if we listen to our bodies, our emotions and follow them, but that’s just because the world is built for men.

I deeply believe women that at the purest level of this yin & yang embodiment are the spiritual protectors of men and men are the physical protectors of women. But at the moment we are all a bit lost.

How do we change that? Well we are half of the population, we have to start living it. Of becoming more in-tune with the feminine qualities, not being women behaving like men (Hello 1990s feminism which created a wave of women ‘having it all’, but really disowning all that it was to truly be feminine beings. Anyone else fall for this? I know I did). I’m absolutely not saying women shouldn’t work, but more that they should not be showing up to work like men in women’s clothes, but instead learning to bring all of themselves. Not leaving their intuition, their compassion and creativity at home.

The same way men should be (and are starting to) using their masculine energy at home and being more involved with parenting through being the divine masculine pole. The world is changing slowly…

The Stages of a Woman

Our journey through womanhood is also marked by distinct life stages, each imbued with its own unique energy and purpose, mirroring the movements of the heavens above, but also the seasons we experience on Earth.

Maiden | Spring

Mother | Summer

Maga | Autumn

Crone. | Winter


The Maiden represents the youthful, blossoming stage of womanhood, characterized by innocence, curiosity, and exploration. She is the embodiment of new beginnings, the fresh spring breeze that heralds the awakening of nature after the slumber of winter. In astrology, the Maiden is often associated with the sign of Aries, symbolizing courage, independence, and the pioneering spirit. As Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and initiation, the Maiden embraces life with vigor and enthusiasm, unafraid to carve her own path in the world.

During this stage, women are filled with boundless energy and a thirst for discovery. It is a time of self-discovery, of forging one's identity and dreams amidst the tapestry of life. Like the waxing crescent Moon, the Maiden shines with youthful radiance, her light illuminating the path ahead with all the untapped potential and possibilities that lie, waiting to be unraveled.

It’s at the beginning of this stage we reach menarche - the rite of passage that moves us into womanhood. And it’s at this age we are at our most yang, we need to do, to create and step into who we are in the world. And it’s at this age we can become hype-conditioned into the toxic masculine aspects of society (that tell us we have to show up like men, value ‘success’ and to disregard our feminine qualities of intuition, softness and caring because they are not valued - we experience life in the ‘real world’, that tells us we can’t make decisions based on what we know to be true without facts.

What if we can bring the next generation of maidens into the world to see the lies we have all been sold? This is how we can create change in the world.


The Mother embodies the nurturing, compassionate essence of womanhood, symbolizing fertility, creation, and unconditional love. She is the fertile soil from which life springs forth, the gentle rain that nourishes the seeds of the future. In astrology, the Mother is often associated with the sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, the cosmic matriarch who governs the ebb and flow of emotions and instincts.

As the Moon waxes to fullness, so too does the Mother embrace the fullness of her maternal instincts, her nurturing embrace encompassing all those she loves. It is a time of abundance, of giving and receiving, of nurturing both oneself and others, but also our projects, our businesses, our lives.

Just as the full Moon bathes the night in its luminous glow, the Mother radiates with the warmth and compassion that sustains life itself.

What if mother energy is not only about having children? But simply nurturing ourselves and whatever we are creating. Even in being feminine we are judged in our choice to have our own children, that we are somehow less of a woman if we choose not to, or cannot have children. That this is the only ‘correct’ use of our life force energy at this age.

What if we stopped judging and started seeing all women as creators and of equal worth regardless?


The Maga represents women at Menopausal & Generational Age - I know catchy!)

It represents the time in life when we let go of what no longer serves us, recognition of our own inner power. Shifting our focus from family to legacy.

It is a time of reflection, of contemplating the lessons learned and the wisdom gained over a lifetime of experiences and understanding how we can share them..

We become the powerful architects of our own destiny, weaving the threads of our past into the tapestry of our future. It is a time of creativity, of nurturing the seeds of our dreams and aspirations, planting them firmly in the fertile soil of possibility. Like the waning crescent Moon, we cast our gaze toward the horizon, embracing the mysteries of the unknown with grace and courage.

The Maga stage is a testament to the resilience and wisdom of the feminine spirit, a beacon of light illuminating the path to inner transformation and spiritual fulfillment. As we navigate the depths of our own inner landscape, we emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before, ready to embrace the next chapter of our journey with open hearts and open minds.

What if we stopped seeing the menopause that happens at this stage of life as a curse? But as a reflection of our power and strength.


The Crone represents the wise elder, the keeper of ancient wisdom and sacred knowledge. She is the waning Moon, descending into the depths of the night, her wisdom tempered by the passage of time and the trials of experience. In astrology, the Crone is often associated with the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster who teaches us the value of patience, perseverance, and inner strength.

During this stage, women embody the archetype of the wise sage, drawing upon a lifetime of experience to guide and inspire future generations. It is a time of reflection, of introspection, of embracing the shadows as well as the light.

Of accepting who we are, all parts of ourself. Of integration. The opportunity to achieve whatever spiritual mastery this lifetime has brought to our feet.

What if we stopped seeing our elders as weak, or no longer of value? That they are not a burden, but here to be celebrated and as the wise elders they are.

Planetary Movements

What’s interesting is how these stages of womanhood correspond with major planetary transits, which give us the opportunity to step into the fullest expression of the version of woman.

Maiden - Begins at Jupiter Return (around Age 12)

Mother - Begins at Saturn Return (around Age 29)

Maga - Begins at Uranus Opposition (around Age 40)

Crone - Begins at Chiron Return (around Age 50) and deepens at 2nd Saturn Return (around Age 60)

1. Maiden - Jupiter Return (around Age 12):

The Maiden stage begins with the Jupiter Return, typically occurring around the age of 12. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, confidence, independence and growth, heralds the onset of adolescence and the awakening of curiosity and exploration. During this transit, young women experience a surge of optimism, enthusiasm, and a thirst for knowledge as they embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

It marks the beginning of their maiden voyage into the vast ocean of womanhood, guided by the benevolent influence of Jupiter's expansive energy.

It’s around this age that Menarche is likely, the physical manifestation of becoming a woman. We start to want to exert our independence, be separate from our parents and this ‘hit’ of Jupiter energy can make us outwardly look like we think we know everything.

2. Mother - Saturn Return (around Age 29):

The Mother stage commences with the Saturn Return, which occurs approximately around the age of 29.

In Astrology it’s said you are not truly an adult until you have been through your Saturn Return. Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, represents structure, responsibility, and maturity takes around 29 years to pass through every house and sign of your birth chart and through each passage Saturn really makes us grow up, realise our responsibilities and parent ourselves.

As women approach their late twenties, we undergo a period of self-reflection and reassessment, grappling with the expectations of adulthood and the pursuit of our true purpose in life. The Saturn Return serves as a rite of passage, it can be a challenging transit asking us to realise we are now adults, responsible for ourselves and asks us to confront our fears, limitations, and societal pressures as we transition into this phase of life.

The Mother archetype - whether it be physical, emotional, or creative comes with a knowing that we have to nurture in some way in order to feel purpose - whether that is ourselves, our businesses, our children or the legacy we are creating.. To contribute and grow, to play our part.

3. Maga - Uranus Opposition (around Age 40):

The Maga stage is initiated by the Uranus Opposition, occurring around the age of 40. Uranus, the planet of revolution, liberation, and individuality, instigates a period of radical transformation and awakening is in opposition to its original position at the timing of birth.

Whenever a planet is in opposition it creates tension and this transit asks us to look at where we have created our own cage to live in, to break free and become a fuller, more liberated version of ourselves. To release conditioning.

At this age we become spiritually mature, and experience a profound shift in consciousness. We question the status quo, to challenge outdated beliefs and conventions, and to embrace change with courage and conviction.

It marks the beginning of a new chapter in our journey, one defined by liberation, empowerment, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment.

Even the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause mirror this.

Controversial, but while many of the symptoms we face are challenging, what if we are meant to face them? To feel them? To not be pacified? When we pacify ourselves we keep ourselves small.

The hot flushes are inner fire, agni or tapas burning away these layers of conditioning, purifying our spirit so that we may emerge in this second spring of life as the most powerful version of self possible. They remind us our life force is still strong, it’s trying to escape in new ways.

Like everything mindset and intention is everything and as someone experiencing this time in life. I know right now I’m feeling every symptom and learning more about myself in the process.

Every ache in my joints is a reminder to be present with my body and to honour it, nurture it in new ways.

Whenever my concentration wavers or I forget something, I realise the universe is simply trying to make me understand that the small stuff doesn’t matter. It never did. I’m being asked to release my mental grip on all the things I might think are important, but aren’t. To focus on fulfilling the bigger dreams I still have and the love I have yet to express.

To come back home to who I am. To who I’ve always been but with a new confidence, knowing and wisdom.

4. Crone - Chiron Return (around Age 50) and deepens at 2nd Saturn Return (around Age 60):

The Crone stage is ushered in by the Chiron Return, occurring around the age of 50. Chiron, the wounded healer, represents the journey of inner healing, integration, and wisdom. As women enter the second half of life, they confront the wounds and traumas of the past, seeking to transmute pain into wisdom and suffering into strength. The Chiron Return serves as a catalyst for profound spiritual growth and self-discovery, inviting women to embrace their inner wounds with compassion and forgiveness.

Furthermore, the Crone stage deepens with the second Saturn Return, which occurs around the age of 60. This transit represents a culmination of wisdom, experience, and self-mastery, as women reflect on the lessons learned and the legacy they wish to leave behind. It is a time of profound introspection and spiritual transformation, as women embody the archetype of the wise elder, sharing their knowledge and insights with future generations.

Stepping into our Power

These transits and everything in between, offer us the opportunity to step into the fullest expression of ourselves, embracing the inherent beauty and power of femininity. They remind us nothing stays the same and that our evolution is this beautiful tapestry woven through the threads of nature, the seasons, free-will and fate.

Of course men experience the same planetary transits, albeit with their own unique nuances, each one offering profound opportunities for growth, transformation, and self-realization. It’s just that as women we have a more physical and lived experience of it. It’s one of the facets of life we have chosen to experience when we incarnated in the feminine.

Each transit serves as a catalyst for personal growth, inviting us to delve deep into the depths of our souls and uncover the truth of who we are and who we are becoming.

An astrology reading can be so useful especially at these key times. They are moments when we might be going through something big and having it explained through the lens of the planets can really help us understand that it will pass, that it’s happening FOR us not to us. To evolve. To honour the truth of our soul.

If you would like to look at the transits coming up we can do this in any of my readings - just let me know on the form you complete when booking and we can focus on a past, present or future major transit. I’m also available for coaching women through these key stages of life - check out the link below.

By gaining insight into the cosmic forces at play in our lives, we can better understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, empowering us to make informed decisions and navigate our journey with clarity and confidence.


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