
Wellness, Yoga, Meditation & Sound for

the Corporate World

Leading the Corporate Wellness Revolution

In today's fast-paced world of work, employers are increasingly confronted with high levels of stress, burnout, and diminished productivity among their teams.

The pressures of meeting deadlines, managing workloads, and maintaining a work-life balance can significantly impact employees' mental and physical well-being. Incorporating wellness programs like yoga, meditation, and sound healing into the workplace is essential for fostering a healthier, more balanced environment.

These practices not only help to reduce stress and anxiety but they can also enhance focus, creativity, and overall job satisfaction & engagement..

By prioritising employee wellness, your business can cultivate a more engaged, resilient, and productive workforce, ultimately leading to greater overall organisational success.

Why you need to create a wellness revolution in your workplace

  • Most people don’t know how to manage stress effectively and how this leads to burnout.

    Indeed revealed that more than half (52%) of workers reported feeling burned out due to pressure at work.

    And 20% of all workers took time off due to feeling overwhelmed or burned out.

  • The landscape of the workplace has transformed and will continue to do so. Employee expectations have risen dramatically and according to the CIPD 51% of employers now take a strategic approach to wellbeing at work.

    It’s a trend, that’s expanding as employees expect more support as part of their compensation.

  • The most recent CIPD Health & Wellbeing Report makes clear links between the provision of quality wellbeing services and positive employee engagement.

    Feeling supported at work to be well has a huge impact on engagement and so the results of the organisation.

    According to the CIPD 59% of employees said the benefits around wellness were important to them ad 45% said culture was vital.

About Becky…

With over a decade of experience in a senior leadership role within the corporate world, I have first hand understanding of the pressures and challenges that come with maintaining high performance in a demanding environment.

After personally experiencing burnout, I embarked on a transformative journey that prioritized well-being and holistic health. This led me to complete my yoga teacher training, gaining deep insights into nervous system regulation and stress management.

By implementing wellness initiatives, I successfully revitalised my own workplace (where I still work and am a shareholder today), through fostering a healthier, more productive workplace.

My passion for mentoring others and promoting mental and physical health in the corporate setting has driven me to desire to assist other businesses integrate effective wellness practices, ensuring sustainable success and employee satisfaction.


I know that every workplace has its own unique vibe, and that's why my services are just as unique. I create personalised and custom solutions that fit the specific needs and goals of each organisation, making sure everyone gets the best results possible.

Tune Up

Gift your employees a tune up to their nervous system. regular yoga class and/or sound bath to reset the nervous system. Reduce stress & restore natural balance.

Packages from £150.

Stress Reset

An engaging session with your workforce about stress and the science behind it, providing easy tools for nervous system regulation and a sound healing session to finish .

Packages from £250.


Strategic support on how to implement wellness and human resostrategies that actually work - advice on policies, culture & how to spend your budget for maximum impact & ongoing support.

Pricing from £500

The Science of Sound

In today's corporate landscape, the significance of holistic wellness practices like yoga is already widely acknowledged, with many workplaces integrating yoga classes into their employee wellness programs. Yoga's benefits, including stress reduction, improved focus, and enhanced well-being, have become well-documented and embraced by companies seeking to foster a healthier and more productive workforce. I love yoga, have taught it for several years now and it’s part of what I’m able to offer.

But did you know, sound healing offers a unique avenue for corporate wellness initiatives? Sound healing operates on the principle that every aspect of our being, including our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, can be influenced by sound vibrations.

From a scientific perspective, sound waves interact with our bodies on a cellular level, affecting our brainwaves, heart rate, and nervous system.

We are ALL vibratory beings and the purpose of sound healing is to restore us to our natural harmony, so that we vibrate at the optimum frequency for health, vitality and more from states of ‘dis-ease’ to wellness.

Jonathan Goldman, a renowned figure in the world of sound healing, emphasises the transformative power of sound frequencies, which resonate with different parts of our body to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and healing.

Through experiencing sound baths, individuals often report feelings of inner harmony, rejuvenation, and profound well-being. It's the remarkable ability of sound to transcend the boundaries of language and directly communicate with our innermost selves that makes it a truly remarkable tool for holistic healing in the corporate arena and beyond.

There are a growing number of scientific studies which clearly show a correlation between sound healing, relaxation and positive health. A study currently underway is seeking to better understand the effects of the Schumann frequency (which occurs as 7.8 Hz and happens to correlate with the brain when it is in “flow” state) and how it can benefit workers in an office setting.

The Benefits of Sound Healing

It’s accessible to almost anyone, one of the barriers of yoga is that it can be harder to ‘sell’ to your employees, as they (incorrectly!) believe they already need to be flexible to take part.

Sound healing is passive - people just need to be in the space to receive it. No ‘participation’ on their part is required.

No change of clothes needed.

Less space is required - as long as people have enough space to lie down (or sit if they prefer) that’s all that’s needed.

It’s the perfect addition to a wellness strategy to promote mindfulness, encourage rest, de-stressing & reduce dis-ease.


  • "Becky was amazing & I could listen to her talk all day. She explains everything so well and is such an interesting person. I love that she was so generous with sharing her personal experiences. This made her so relatable."

  • Becky was superb. Becky was just 'on it': she watched, she observed, she saw, she listened, she acted with such empathy, wisdom and quiet understated professionalism. One felt very safe with her and very trusting of her. She read the energy in the room so well and read us so well too. Gifted!"

  • "I loved Becky's teaching - her style, coupled with her demeanour. I will never forget the time, her compassion towards me when I had a wobble in class and was overwhelmed at the early stages, she was so attentive towards me and gave me the space to listen and she was fully engaged. She was always encouraging and helped me a lot".

  • "Becky's generosity and spirit when teaching were felt by the group to the full extent, she made space and time for everyone and made it safe for the group".