Pluto's Journey Through Aquarius: A Prelude to the Golden Age of Aquarius

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, celestial bodies weave a tapestry of influences that shape the very essence of our existence. Among them, Pluto, the enigmatic dwarf planet, holds a special place in the hearts and minds of astronomers and astrologers alike. Its journey through the zodiacal sign of Aquarius signals a profound shift in the cosmic landscape, heralding the prelude to the much-anticipated Age of Aquarius.

Pluto – The God of the Underworld

Pluto, often depicted in mythology as the god of the underworld, embodies the archetype of death and rebirth. Its influence transcends the realm of the personal, reaching into the collective psyche and catalysing profound shifts in consciousness. Yet, despite its undeniable power, Pluto's status as a planet remains a subject of debate among scientists—a fitting paradox for a celestial body that blurs the boundaries between existence and non-existence.

Pluto literally embodies death & re-birth. She is small yet mighty.

Pluto’s Transits  

In its passage through the preceding sign of Capricorn, Pluto's energies manifested as a relentless force, unravelling the structures of power and authority with unyielding intensity. She first entered Capricorn in January 2008.

Capricorn represents structures, power, financial bodies and money. 2008 saw the worst financial crises the Western World has ever seen. During the next 15 years we have seen how unstable the financial systems are, how corrupt the world governments are and how a few rich billionaires are the main beneficiaries of the current systems and structures on our planet.

Serious misuses of power and resources came to light, the foundations of society have trembled under Pluto's penetrating gaze. But as Pluto now ventures into Aquarius, a new paradigm emerges—one which can be characterized by the Aquarian gifts of innovation, progress, and collective consciousness.

Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time in March 2023, but then retrograded back into Capricorn during 2023.2024, and we are on the precipice of Pluto being stationed in Aquarius ‘for good’ by the end of 2024.

Pluto in Aquarius

Aquarius, the visionary Water Bearer, symbolises the ideals of humanitarianism, freedom, and social progress. With Pluto's presence in this sign, we are called to embrace radical change for the betterment of humanity.

Technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency, herald the dawn of a new era—one where innovation knows no bounds, and the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds blur into obscurity.

Yet, amidst the promise of progress, Pluto's journey through Aquarius also brings to light the shadowy undercurrents of our digital age. Questions are very publicly arising around the manipulation of digital data. If we haven’t already started to wake up to not everything we see on the news and on social media being real, we will.

What and who can we trust? Who is working for the good of the collective?

It will become clear over the next 20 years just how much deception there has been in order to use Earth’s resources for the good of the few, not the good of the many.

We will really question the elusive nature of reality in an increasingly interconnected world. As we grapple with environmental crises and systemic corruption, Pluto's transformative energies compel us to confront the legacy we leave for future generations—a legacy that will be defined by our actions in the present moment.

Pluto’s Generational Impact

Pluto's status as a generational planet underscores the collective nature of its influence.

With its prolonged stay in each sign, spanning between 11.5 to 30 years, Pluto weaves a tapestry of profound change that reverberates across generations. Each cycle around the sun represents a complete cycle of death and rebirth—a cosmic alchemy that reshapes the very fabric of existence with every cycle.

We wouldn’t relate to Earth from 248 years ago, every facet will have changed. The same will be true in another 248 years.

As we navigate Pluto's journey through Aquarius, we are reminded that transformation is not always a smooth journey. The old must crumble to make way for the new, and in the midst of chaos, we find the seeds of renewal. The disruption makes us innovate, to find new ways to create our future.

With Pluto as our guide, we embark on a journey of collective evolution—one that holds the promise of a brighter future for all.

A Prelude to the Age of Aquarius

To comprehend the significance of Pluto's journey through Aquarius, let’s delve into the esoteric realm of astrology—a discipline that seeks to decode the language of the stars and decipher the hidden rhythms of the cosmos.

At the heart of astrology lies the concept of the Precession of the Equinoxes, a cyclical phenomenon wherein the Earth's axial tilt gradually traces a circle over a span of approximately 25,800 years.

This cosmic waltz gives rise to distinct astrological ages, each characterized by the zodiacal sign that aligns with the vernal equinox. And now, as we stand on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius which is still a few hundred years away but close when we look at such huge cycles of time, Pluto's celestial movements offer a glimpse into the transformative energies that define this new era.

The concept of this new era ‘The New Earth’ - the Age of Aquarius has captured the imagination of humanity for centuries, symbolizing an era of enlightenment, innovation, and collective consciousness.

To even desire considering the importance of the Age of Aquarius NOW relies on us as humans living with a sense of understanding that being selfish won’t serve the generations that follow us. That we need to care about the future of humanity and the future of the collective. Pluto in Aquarius will raise our consciousness so that we start making those preparations for this new age,

In the Age of Aquarius, the collective consciousness will reign supreme, we will no longer live in hierarchy… we won’t need to because our collective consciousness will be high enough, and as Pluto blazes a trail through the celestial waters of Aquarius, we are called to embrace the winds of change and usher in a new era of possibility. To start this process.

To awaken.

To transform.

To rebirth a new way of being which serves EVERYONE.


From a spiritual and metaphysical perspective, Pluto's journey through Aquarius holds profound implications for soul evolution, karmic purification, and collective awakening. It invites us to embrace the alchemical process of death and rebirth—to surrender to the fires of transformation and emerge anew, like the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes. In the crucible of Pluto's transformative energies, we are called to confront our deepest fears, shed the layers of illusion, and reclaim our divine sovereignty as co-creators of our reality.


You Got This…

In the depths of transformation, we will find the courage to embrace our true potential and shape the destiny of humanity. We realise we the people have the power and we have chosen to give it away to people who do not have the best interests of humanity in their hearts.

As we navigate Pluto's journey through Aquarius, we are reminded that transformation is not always a smooth journey. The old must crumble to make way for the new, and in the midst of chaos, we find the seeds of renewal. With Pluto as our guide, we embark on a journey of collective evolution—one that holds the promise of a brighter future for all.

As we gaze upon the celestial dance of Pluto and Aquarius, let us remember that the journey towards enlightenment is not merely a destination but a continuous unfolding—a symphony of light and shadow, death and rebirth, echoing across the vast expanse of the cosmos.

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