She Knows: Soul Depth

A 3 or 6 month 1:1 bespoke coaching journey to deeply knowing your authentic self, finding purpose & being the woman you are meant to be in the world

There are times in life where we desire more support, to be held and guided.

Are you feeling unfulfilled, or uncertain about where you should be going? Where to place your energy in order to unlock your true potential?

Have you spent years navigating the expectations of others, moulding yourself to fit into society's mould of happiness, only to realise that you've lost touch with what YOU want?

Who you really are?

Or maybe you have done some soul searching, you are on a spiritual path and you want more depth with your connection to self….to deepen your connection to spirit.

Does any of this resonate? Then, I’m here to help you my love….

A Journey back to Soul & Truth

I’ll guide you on a sacred soul journey of self-discovery, of reconnecting with your truth, and of embracing the depths of your soul.

She Knows: Soul Depth is here to guide you back to yourself—to help you peel away the layers of conditioning, societal expectations, and self-doubt to reveal the soul potential that lies within.

Why She Knows: Soul Depth Coaching?

Because it's not just about finding yourself—it's about rediscovering the essence of who you've always been. It's about honouring your truth, your desires, and your unique gifts, and stepping into the fullness of your being with confidence and clarity.

As your guide and soul sister on this journey, I'll be by your side every step of the way—offering support, guidance, and unwavering belief in your ability to shine. Together, we'll explore the depths of your soul, uncovering hidden truths, untapped potentials, and infinite possibilities for growth and transformation.

1:1 coaching with me offers a uniquely personalized and intimate experience, providing tailored spiritual and practical guidance, support, and accountability that is specifically crafted to address your individual needs, challenges, and dreams, fostering deeper insights, transformation, connection with who you REALLY are and aligning this with your purpose.

How She Knows: Soul Depth works…

This is a BESPOKE coaching container tailored to you, to meet you at where you are at on your self discovery & soul alignment journey, so the areas that we dive into will vary depending on your needs and the length of the service you choose.

Every container starts with me helping you get to know yourself DEEPLY through the lens of Human Design and Evolutionary Astrology. We use the astrological wheel to score different areas of your life and link this with your natal birthchart, so that you start to understand your soul’s unique journey and the gifts and strengths you have within. This will form the starting point of our time together and demonstrate the areas where our focus is needed.

Some areas that we may cover could be; working on limiting beliefs, working with balance of masculine & feminine energy ,spiritual development, learning to listen to intuition / guidance, looking at significant relationships and reviewing times of your life through the lens of Astrology - which can really help give context, help you move forwards and see how everything in your life is happening to evolve your soul growth.

Need to knows…

Some things you probably want to know before signing up…

And please email me or DM me on Instagram with any other questions, information you have

  • This can be really flexible to meet your needs and where you are at right now. A minimum of 3 months is required to get deep enough for any meaningful evolution / re-alignment with purpose.

  • A call every fortnight is included and calls are between 1.5-2 hours typically.

    We will schedule calls to suit our timezones and weekends/evenings are possible.

    We meet on Zoom, although if you live locally to me I’m happy to meet in person.

  • You can have access to any of my readings as one (or more) of the calls we do together. I am also happy to look at charts of those you are close to, to help explain relationship dynamics, soul contracts, etc. Past clients have found it extremely useful to look at relationships through a new lens.

  • Yes! This is my closest proximity container and so you get access to me anytime between calls via email, DM or Voxer.

    Most clients love using Voxer to check in between calls & it’s also a medium I love to use with my clients to share insights, etc. which I often receive from spirit for those I work closely with.

  • If you choose to incorporate one of the readings I offer you get access to the supporting materials & integration notes, etc to help you. I’ll also produce these for anyone else who’s chart we look at together.

    You can also choose to have oracle or tarot card readings on the calls, or I will sometimes do them for you in between calls.

    You get access to anything I know to help you on your journey to finding self and finding purpose.

    I am trained in yoga, meditation, chinese medicine, astrology, human design, akashic records and more.

    Working with me can sometimes look like a healing or finding purpose journey, for other women it has been about expanding their spiritual knowledge & self belief.

    I am always extremely generous with my time and energy.

  • To work with me in this capacity is £650 pm. If you pay in full on booking I offer a special price of £1750 for 3 months or £3400 for 6 months.

    To make sure you we are a good coaching match I always offer a free 30 minutes chat via Zoom so that we can feel into each other’s energy.

    Drop me and email and we can get a chat booked. I’d love to hear from you.

“I have recently had the pleasure of being in a 1:1 container with Becky over a few months.

Words can’t describe how this container has changed me and my life. It was a huge part of my growth...My realisation into who I am and what I’m capable of as well as helping me understand myself, (my nuances and all) to work with myself, not against myself.

I see my life and others more clearly now, I also have a deep trust in myself which Becky helped me find.

Becky has a way of working side by side with you when she mentors you and to me it was ground breaking and so special. This woman has so much knowledge and pure intentions to share it all!”

-Vicki - 1:1 client