
6o minutes | £122

In this 1 hour reading let me help you decode your Human Design Bodygraph & Big 3 Astrology Placements, to help you remember who you are, before the world told you who you needed to be…

My love I get it

You are doing all the things society told you to do to be happy and yet there's an unspoken yearning —a sense that something vital is missing. Perhaps you feel like you are not fulfilled, even when you have all the things that are meant to make you feel fuliflled.

Maybe you just feel a little bit disappointed, or guilty that you don’t feel happier with life.

Maybe you actually have serious gratitude for all you have in your life already, but you know deep inside that part of you desires more. That you have more to do in this life.

With She Knows Self we embark on a journey to decoded the language of your unique Human Design make sense of your Astrological blueprint, to shine a light on your hidden gifts within.

This reading is perfect to guide you back, to you… it's a deep exploration of who you are beneath the layers of societal conditioning, the ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’, to rediscover your strengths and regain a clear sense of purpose…of who you are, before the world told you who you needed to be.

Rediscover yourself through the lens of Human Design and through the mirror of Astrology, start to write the next chapter of your story, , because you deserve to remember, reconnect, remember and recognise who you are.

“'Wow what an experience! My human design reading with Becky was so so insightful, she created such a warm and accepting environment, and I came away feeling like I'd really be seen and understood, whilst highlighting things to be aware of and explore deeper. Plus the documentation Becky provided afterwards really helped with the integration and reflection, I couldn't believe it - priceless!'

— Charlotte

Whats included…

Personalised Preparation:

At the time of booking your session, you'll complete a brief form, sharing your birth information and any specific areas of focus you want to explore. This ensures that our time together is tailored to your unique needs and questions.

After booking I’ll send you:

  • A Love Letter to Your Essence: Before our live session, you'll receive a heartfelt love letter specifically crafted for your human design type. This sneak peek sets the stage for our deep dive, giving you a taste of the insights to come.

  • Pre-Recorded Masterclass: Gain a foundational understanding of Human Design and Evolutionary Astrology through a specially created pre-recorded masterclass. This not only familiarises you with the basics but also allows us to go deeper during our live reading.

Reading Day:

  • Our live 60-minute session unfolds on Zoom, where we'll explore the intricacies of your Human Design bodygraph and delve into the cosmic energies revealed by your big three Astrology placements. I’ll hold you with love through a soul enriching experience that will leave you with newfound clarity and self-awareness.

Follow Up Magic:

  • After our session, you'll receive a personalised follow-up email, complete with a recording of our call. Plus I'll provide you with a She Knows Self summary encapsulating all the key insights and guidance from our time together. This document serves as your go-to reference, allowing you to revisit and integrate the wisdom gained whenever you need it.

  • I’ll also provide personalised journal prompts and any other information which my intuition tells me will help you on your journey.

Why choose Initiation?

  • You are on a journey of self-discovery and you want to learn more about yourself through the lens of Human Design & Astrology.

  • You can also book this reading as a follow up reading if you would like to go deeper - just let me know at the time of booking what you want to focus on - we can go deeper on any other aspect of your Human Design or personal Astrology.

  • It’s really important to me that you get maximum value & depth during our time together, that’s why I send you a masterclass and Loveletter when you book. It helps you start to make sense of things before we even sit down.

  • One of my deepest desires is that the reading has lasting impact, that’s why you get a personally curated document with the key points that we cover on the reading, to help you integrate the information and continue your self-discovery journey long after our session concludes.

  • Everything is personalised FOR you, fostering a connection that goes beyond a mere reading.

Ready to Uncover Your True Self?

Book your Initiation experience Now!

**If the times available are not suitable for you, please email me at and I am always accommodating for timezones, working days, etc.

60 mins | £122