The Feminine Path

To Purpose

Use the month of September to connect you to your true purpose

We’ve started… but you can still join and catch up with the replays

You aren’t imagining it,


are here for a reason.

In this month of purpose, you’ll learn everything you need to know about purpose to get you from ‘lost’ to ‘found’ as quickly as possible.

Together, we’ll unpick the myths around purpose, quelling the inner voice that says ‘I don’t know what my purpose is’,

You’ll understand why your purpose is actually a key human need and we will dive into the parts that feminine energetics & emotion play on the path of purpose.

We’ll also use the lens of Human Design to start making better decisions & Astrology to provide a key ‘zoomed out’ perspective.

Ready to say goodbye to feeling lost, invisible or uncertain… and hello to stress, anxiety and overwhelm...and feeling like you are walking on your soul path?

Maybe you are…

Stuck in a 9-5 rut?

Are you on autopilot, going about your daily life feeling like ‘Is this it?’ Like you want more… but you don’t know what / how / what’s missing?


Navigating Key Life Stages?

Are you in your 20s or 30s and struggling to know what to do with your life, or a Mum who is feeling like she has lost herself since having children? Or maybe you are navigating peri-menopause/menopause & feel like life has passed you by? As women we have so much to contend with with… no wonder purpose feels illusive




Feeling frustrated at the world?

Are you fed up with being told who you should be, how you should show up and what should make you happy? That having a ‘good job’ should be enough, having a family and 2 holidays is all there is…

Feeling lost

Are you lost, feeling like you are just not connected to your soul purpose. You sense you came here for a reason, but you can’t seem to connect with what that is?


On so many levels. 

Thank you so much for your in-depth and powerful insights! I have lots to sit with and reflect on further’.

— Caity

7 Steps to

Knowing Purpose

  • Module 1 - Defining Purpose

    Purpose can feel illusive…This module focuses on defining what purpose is (and isn’t) and why you might not feel connected to it right now.

    This module is pre-recorded for you to watch at your own leisure and includes guided self-enquiry work to take the first steps to purpose.

  • Module 2 - Feminine Living in a Masculine World

    Why and how the world is designed for men and how this leads to disconnection to ourselves, our values and our purpose. We will explore why our purpose is meant to change and how to work with the stages of womanhood to find purpose whatever you age.

    This module is pre-recorded for you to watch at your own leisure and includes guided self-enquiry work as you continue on your path to purpose.

  • Module 3 - Feminism Rules OK?

    In this module we explore the conditioning you will have received around feminism and how to recode this. This module is designed to teach you to honour your natural feminine gifts and also find balance in relationships.

    This module is pre-recorded for you to watch at your own leisure and includes guided self-enquiry work to help you re-code your feminine energy.

  • Module 4 - Feelings as Messengers

    This module focusses on understanding emotions and how they can teach us so much about purpose. We also explore what it means to feel connected to spirit and why when we don’t we feel disconnected to purpose.

    This module is going to be taught LIVE on Sunday 15th September and will include a yin yoga class to come out of thinking and into feeling.

  • Module 5 - Human Design as a Pathway to Purpose

    In this module you’ll learn how to leverage the key aspects of you Human Design in order to make better decisions (which lead you automatically onto a path of purpose), how we energetically become conditioned and disconnected from our purpose and how to decondition, plus where to look in your bodygraph to understand your unique talents and gifts.

    This module is pre-recorded to allow you to tune in whenever suits you and will include some exploration of you own chart.

  • Module 6 - Wide Angle Lens

    We explore evolutionary astrology as a tool to understand beyond the 3D day to day what your soul came here for. This module helps you zoom out and gain perspective, to understand how your purpose is multi-faceted and relevant to everything you do.

    This module is pre-recorded to allow you to lean into this at a time that feels good to you. I’ll teach you how to run your chart and help you connect with purpose through this lens.

  • Module 7 - Reconciliation

    In this Module we bring it all together to leave you feeling secure in your understanding of purpose and what it means for you right now.

    This module will be taught LIVE on Sunday 29th September and will include a Q&A so you can ask me anything related to purpose.

This experience will radically shift your perspective & change your connection to purpose in a month…

By the end of September you will:

  • Understand why & how purpose is one of your human needs. Stop pretending it’s not important. It is!

  • Have a deep understanding of why finding purpose as a woman living in a world that tells you that ‘you can have it all’ is hard and how to overcome this.

  • Learn to view your feelings as important messengers to showing you where life is not flowing.

  • Understand key aspects of your Human Design and how to use them to live an aligned life.

  • Learn to run your astrology chart and decipher it from a point of seeing your soul’s purpose. To see your life from a greater ‘zoomed out’ third party perspective.

  • A deeper connection to what your purpose is and have taken the first steps to realign with it.

  • Understand what purpose really means TO YOU.

  • Embrace the brilliance of womanhood and know how you can find purpose throughout the stages of your life.

  • Know what your personal values are and how these are integral to finding purpose.

  • Have a better balance of yin & yang energy in your life and your relationships

  • Feel like you understand your emotions as messengers towards purpose.

  • Confidence to move forward with life, more connected to yourself and to spirit.

The Investment

The Feminine Path to Purpose

5 x Pre-recorded video guidance sessions (Approx 45-60 minutes) dropped into the portal during the month

Integration exercises for each module (downloadable pdfs)

A range of supporting materials to help your decipher your Human Design & Astrology Birth Chart

3 x LIVE sessions: (Opening Ceremony Tuesday 3rd September, Module 4 15th September 2024 & Module 7 & Closing Ceremony 29th September 2024)

Q&A answered on the live calls

Lifetime access from 3rd September 2024 when the programme goes live


or 3 monthly payments of £33 available at checkout

The Feminine Path to Purpose VIP

5 x Pre-recorded video guidance sessions (Approx 45-60 minutes) dropped into the portal during the month

Integration exercises for each module (downloadable pdfs)

A range of supporting materials to help your decipher your Human Design & Astrology Birth Chart

3 x LIVE sessions: (Opening Ceremony Tuesday 3rd September, Module 4 15th September 2024 & Module 7 & Closing Ceremony 29th September 2024)

Q&A answered on the live calls

Lifetime access from 3rd September 2024 when the programme goes live


1 x 90 minute Quantum Soul Blueprint, or a general guidance reading/session with Becky


or 3 monthly payments of £74 available at checkout

Need to knows…

Some things you probably want to know before signing up…

And please email me or DM me on Instagram with any other questions, always love hearing from you x

  • When you hit the button to sign up, you will be directed to Podia where all the materials are hosted. You get immediate access to Modules 1 & 2 after the opening ceremony on Tuesday 3rd September.

    Modules will then drop throughout September.

  • You get lifetime access so you can complete in your own time. All live calls will be recorded.

    You can also speed the video content up ;) if you watch the replays and each video is no more than 60 minutes on x1 speed.

    This experiences is worth the time -one of my top skills is delivering key messages FAST.

  • For the self-led option no, but a Q&A session is included.

    A reading is included in the VIP option at a discounted price. I will also leave time on the call for any specific coaching around purpose.

  • On the live calls yes - you can ask me questions.

    If you purchase the VIP option, where you get a reading included. I have limited availability for 1:1 coaching where I can guide you through this programme over 3 or 6 month in a personalised way. Check out my Services page!

  • Apart from the pre-recorded videos and live calls there are integration exercises included for each module, plus some amazing guidance materials to decode your Human Design & Astrology.