Quantum Soul Blueprint

Around 2 hours | £155

This reading goes deep into the journey of your soul, through this lifetime and beyond.

Ever felt there was more to life

You might have experienced events and situations in your life which made you ask the big question… perhaps the biggest of all.

Why am I really here?

Let’s face it, it’s easy to get swept along in the current of life and lose track of the bigger picture. Sometimes it feels like we are on a treadmill that we can’t get off and we just get lost in the minutiae of life

Do you feel like you would love to know your soul purpose, the mission statement of your life?

This reading is a transformative 2-hour exploration that transcends the ordinary, delving into the depths of your unique human design and astrological blueprint from an evolutionary perspective. This unique reading unravels the intricate threads that weave your identity, offering insights into the purpose and lessons encoded in your astrological North and South Nodes, as well as your Human Design Incarnation Cross.

The North Node and South Node represent points on the Moon's orbit around the Earth.

The South Node represents the gifts, talents, qualities, habits, and soul remembrance carried over from past lives or early experiences in this lifetime, that may inhibit personal growth if relied upon excessively. It is through understanding your South Node you can fully integrate the positive aspects, but recognise and release beliefs and behaviours that are holding you back.

The North Node represents the soul's desired evolutionary path, it shows you what your soul wants to learn and master in this lifetime. It symbolises the direction of your highest timeline in this lifetime. Your dharma and alignment with cosmic order.

When we weave in the wisdom of your Incarnation Cross, which represents key themes, life purpose, and challenges that shape your journey and evolutionary path it allows us to unravel the intricate threads that weave your identity, offering insights into the purpose and lessons encoded in your DNA.

This is more than just a reading; it's a profound journey into the heart of your soul's evolution in order to redefine the narrative of your purpose —because understanding yourself at this level is the key to unlocking the doors to your why.

In this extended session, we go way beyond the surface of astrology, exploring the profound question of your existence—why are you here? In a world that often leaves you yearning for deeper meaning, this 2-hour exploration provides a unique lens through which to view your path.

“'Ending today, I am feeling super connected with my Grandma. I have a new outlook on things and a way to take a step back when all my emotion can get too much to see clearly. 

I haven't ever really truly believed in anything, at the same time also not discounting anything ..... when I heard you share today I finally felt that deep belief in something that I have only ever heard others describe.

Thank you so much for our time together and bringing this knowledge to me”

— Laura

Whats included…

Personalised Preparation:

At the time of booking your session, you'll complete a brief form, sharing your birth information and any specific areas of focus you want to explore. This ensures that our time together is tailored to your unique needs and questions.

After booking I’ll send you:

  • A Love Letter to Your Essence: Before our live session, you'll receive a heartfelt love letter specifically crafted for your human design type. This sneak peek sets the stage for our deep dive, giving you a taste of the insights to come.

  • Pre-Recorded Masterclass: Gain a foundational understanding of Human Design and Evolutionary Astrology through a specially created pre-recorded masterclass. This not only familiarises you with the basics but also allows us to go deeper during our live reading.

Reading Day:

  • Our live 2 hour session unfolds on Zoom, where we'll look at your North Node, South Node and Incarnation Cross in lots of depth in order to understand your soul’s journey. We will look at other placements which help to unravel your karma and dharma and with the luxury of time there is an opportunity for plenty of reflefction and questions.. I also use my intuition and connect to the Akash in order to explore possible past lives. I’ll hold you with love through a totally unique experience that will leave you feeling deeply connected to self and spirit.

Follow Up Magic:

  • After our session, you'll receive a personalised follow-up email, complete with a recording of our call. Plus I'll provide you with a beautifully curated She Knows Her Why document encapsulating all the key insights and guidance from our time together. This will serves as your go-to reference, allowing you to revisit and integrate the wisdom gained whenever you need it.

  • I’ll also provide personalised journal prompts and any other information which my intuition tells me will help you on your journey.

Why choose Quantum Soul Blueprint?

  • You are on a journey of self-discovery and you want to learn more about your soul’s journey through the lens of Human Design & Astrology.

  • You are open to the concept of the soul transcending the human experience. You know at some level that there is more to life, than just this single human existence.

  • You want to feel more connected to the bigger picture of your soul’s journey.

  • You can also book this reading as a follow up reading if you would like to go deeper - just let me know at the time of booking what you want to focus on - we can go deeper on any other aspect of your Human Design or personal Astrology.

  • It’s really important to me that you get maximum value & depth during our time together, that’s why I send you a masterclass and Loveletter when you book. It helps you start to make sense of things before we even sit down.

  • One of my deepest desires is that the reading has lasting impact, that’s why you get a personally curated document with the key points that we cover on the reading to help you integrate the information, to continue your evolutionary journey long after our session concludes.

  • Everything is personalised FOR you, fostering a connection that goes beyond a mere reading.

Ready to Know Why you are Here?

Book your Quantum Soul Blueprint session now!

**If the times available are not suitable for you, please email me at hello@sheknowsspirit.com and I am always accommodating for timezone, working days, etc.

Approx 2 hours | £155