Solar Return Reading

Approx 2 hours | £166

Do you want to unlock your most Quantum Future?

Ever heard the quote "Millionaires don't use astrologers, but billionaires do" ?

| JP Morgan

That’s because astrology and the cosmos is a highly accurate mirror which reflects back what we are experiencing here on Earth. We can look ahead into this mirror in order to seek guidance for the months ahead. Every planet and luminary has a different impact on each of us.

By looking at your Solar Return chart we can take a look at the energies which will unfold over the next 12 months, so that you can harness this energy and use it in the aspects of your life where it will have the most impact.

Perhaps you are someone who makes impulsive decisions, or you find yourself standing at the crossroads unsure of the next step, or you are just seeking reassurance that the unfolding cosmic symphony is happening for you, not to you —this is for you.

In a world that can often distract us from our path, this reading gives you a roadmap through the chaos, whether it’s understanding the best times to travel, to seek solitude, to dive into creative pursuits, or to make those monumental life decisions?

This isn't about predicting the future; it's about co-creating it with the universe.

And it’s the perfect birthday present to yourself. An activation into the year ahead.

Celebrate You & Look Into the Energy of the Year Ahead

A 3 Part Reading


Part One of the journey starts with a reflection piece, where we will use the wisdom of the astrological wheel to reflect on where you are right now, what have you achieved in the last 12 months since your last birthday. What has the last year delivered you?. We’ll also look at the key aspects of your natal birth chart so that your overall gifts and soul path are front and centre.

Then we will take an astrological deep dive into your solar return chart where you’ll become Immersed in the cosmic energies that give insights into your cosmic future. We will explore the key astrological transits of the year ahead, weaving in the intricacies of your human design, to highlight the key areas of your life that will be influenced in your personal reality.

Discover where the cosmos can maximise your endeavours and come away with a strategic roadmap for focused energy and effort.


Part Two delves deeper into the intuitive realm with a personalised oracle or tarot card spread. My favourite card spread for this reading is a 10 card Celtic Cross which really helps connect the dots of the session. The cards love to act as cosmic signposts and offer insights into the energy surrounding you this year.

The combination of these modalities will support you in navigating your path in an empowered way.


Part Three is about intention setting and I’ll guide you through a meditation or ceremony to help you cement into the quantum realm the future you want to create. If we run out of time, or if you prefer I’ll send a surprise personalised birthday ritual for you to complete in your own time.

In this comprehensive session, we don't just peek into your future; we actively shape it. You'll leave with a crystal-clear vision, armed with insights from Astrology, Human Design and intuitive guidance.

This isn't just a reading; it's a soul activation that propels you onto your highest timeline.

Ready to live your most quantum year EVER?

Book your session now…

“Without a shadow of a doubt Becky is the wisest woman I know. The way that she holds, retains and is able to teach complex spiritual teachings is what makes her a ‘one in a million’ HD reader, spiritual teacher & mentor.  From Human Design to quantum healing, Closing the Bones & Akashic Records... entering her vortex will open you up to deeper understanding of yourself & the world around you. Becky is a highly gifted teacher and I highly recommend entering her spaces”.

— Susie

The Investment

Solar Return

Reading Day

Our live 3 Part session unfolds on Zoom. This usually takes between 2 & 3 hours

Follow Up Magic

After our session, you'll receive a detailed follow-up email, complete with a recording of our entire conversation.

But that's not all—you will also receive a PDF with your solar return chart and some key personalised notes to empower you to leverage these energies to your personal advantage, ensuring you're in sync with the cosmic rhythm throughout the year.

Let’s create magic!


Email me if you need a payment plan - always happy to help

Solar Return VIP

Additional Magic

Upgrade your Solar Return package to include an additional 3 calls spaced through the year to stay connected and on track.

By choosing this enhanced option, you not only secure continuous support and guidance but also make a significant saving on each session.

Imagine having the wisdom of the cosmos at your fingertips, as we connect at quarter points, reviewing and reassessing your goals, with additional Akashic Record readings and card spreads. 

This personalised coaching allows for real-time support, helping you navigate any questions or insights that may arise during your journey.

Make a commitment to your quantum evolution

£555 (a saving of £109) if paid in full

or 12 monthly payments of £50 - DM me to set this up

Why choose a Solar Return Reading?

  • You want to celebrate yourself! It’s your birthday, a potent energetic time. By investing in yourself for the year ahead you are already on the path of manifesting the life you dream of.

  • You want to harness the energy of the astrology of the year ahead in order to make the most of your personal energy.

  • You want a deep, immersive experience focussed on your soul’s journey.

  • You love ritual and ceremony. This call is a ceremony and the follow up document I provide will have some gorgeous rituals for the year ahead.

  • Everything is personalised FOR you, fostering a connection and activation that goes beyond just a reading.