Your Life Story Written in the Stars

You might have heard that we are all made of stars?

We are all stardust in human form. The elements that make up who we are and everything in our physical existence are created through nuclear fusion processes deep within stars.

When massive stars reach the end of their lifecycle, they undergo supernova explosions, dispersing these newly formed elements into space. These elements eventually coalesce into new stars, planets, and even life forms, including us and so the atoms that make up our bodies, the Earth, and everything around us were once forged within the fiery cores of stars billions of years ago.

There is physically interconnectedness between all of us, between us and the Earth and with the cosmos. The microcosm is always mirrored by the macrocosm.

As above, so below.

Enter Evolutionary Astrology – a lens to see this interconnectedness…

Evolutionary Astrology is a branch of astrology which interprets the birth chart as a roadmap of your soul journey. It is based upon the idea that our birth was perfectly timed in order to give our soul a unique and purposeful experience.

I like to think of the planets which are different archetypal energies, as actors in a play.

In your birth chart every planet is located in one of the twelve zodiac signs, and also in one of the twelve houses. Houses in astrology are determined by the Earth's rotation and relate to the specific time and location of a person's birth. Each house is associated with particular themes, circumstances, and aspects of life, and they provide a framework for interpreting the planetary influences within your birth chart.

We can think of the planets as the actors, the signs as the storyline and the houses as the set.

We are all a unique combination of all of these archetypes and energies, a perfect reflection of the cosmos.

Your birth chart paints a picture of all that you are here to learn and the highest potential of who you are here to become.

At its core, Evolutionary Astrology is not merely a tool for predicting the future or analysing personality traits – it is a sacred language of archetypes and connection to the cosmos that speaks directly to the soul.

Evolutionary Astrology goes beyond the surface-level pieces of the birth chart to delve deep into the karmic patterns, soul contracts, and evolutionary lessons encoded within your cosmic blueprint.

Unlike traditional astrology, which may focus solely on personality traits and external events, Evolutionary Astrology invites you to take a different perspective. It illuminates the threads of fate and destiny, karma and dharma which are woven into the fabric of your birth chart, revealing who you came here to be, what you came to experience, and the gifts, talents, and challenges that shape your journey.

What sets my approach to Evolutionary Astrology apart?

One of my gifts is to be able to take complex spiritual concepts and break them down in a way which you can understand and relate to. But don’t take my word for it - I have a free masterclass which is the perfect introduction to my world and also to Human Design & Astrology.

I have experienced time after time with my own journey and that of my soul sister clients,  that Evolutionary Astrology is not just a tool for self-awareness but a sacred mirror that reflects the divine blueprint of our soul.

It invites us to embrace the totality of who we are – our light and our shadow, our triumphs and our challenges – with compassion and grace. Without judgement, or blame.

All of my readings incorporate Evolutionary Astrology and through my practical but spirit led approach to Evolutionary Astrology, I will help you to look in the sacred mirror of your birth chart and see aspects of yourself in a way you haven’t experienced before. What roles are the planets playing? What is the theme of your life and how can you use this information to step into your highest potential?

My love,  Evolutionary Astrology is here to guide you back to the essence of who you truly are and the purpose you came here to fulfil.


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