She Knows:

Human Design

Discover your unique Human Design

Run your bodygraph for free here & then download your free

PERSONALISED mini report

Hello, Gorgeous!

Do you want to know how to work with your Human Design to ditch good girl conditioning?

Get access to this FREE masterclass where I show you how!

What is Conditioning?

In Human Design, "conditioning" refers to the influence exerted by our environment and the people around us on our true nature and behaviour. Each person has a unique Human Design chart that maps out their energetic makeup, revealing areas where they are likely to be more susceptible to external influences - our childhood, education, society and all the cultural expectations ALL play a part.

. By gaining awareness of these conditioning factors through your Human Design, you can begin to distinguish between what is truly your authentic self and what is conditioning. Conditioning that well… makes us be ‘a good girl’ and often keeps us small.

his awareness empowers you to make choices that align more closely with your innate tendencies and characteristics, leading to a life that is more fulfilling and in harmony with your true self. Understanding all of this can guide you in mitigating negative conditioning and enhancing your strengths, facilitating personal growth and living the life you were designed to live, not the one other people tell you that you need to live.


  • Readings

    Reconnect, remember & recognise who you are through the quantum lens of Human Design & Evolutionary Astrology

  • Coaching

    Get connected to your soul purpose and quantum leap into your highest timeline through working 1:1 for a longer time frame

  • Self Led Transformation

    Empower yourself towards a future of purpose and deep connection through an experience designed to connect self & spirit