she knows spirit

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Hello, Gorgeous!

Do you want to know how to work with your Human Design & Evolutionary Astrology to ditch good girl conditioning and find soul purpose?

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  • To Know Spirit

    What does to know spirit mean? Read my Manifesto and feel if it resonates with you. What does to know spirit mean to you?

  • Readings

    Reconnect, remember & recognise who you are through the quantum lens of Human Design & Evolutionary Astrology

  • Coaching

    Get connected to your soul purpose and quantum leap into your highest timeline through working 1:1 for a longer time frame

  • Self Led Transformation

    Empower yourself towards a future of purpose and deep connection through an experience designed to connect self & spirit

Words of Wisdom to Stir Your Soul

Read my Blog Posts

  • Liberation from Good Girl Conditioning

    Why we need to break free…

  • The Age of Aquarius

    What you need to know about the shifts ahead

  • Unlocking Retrogrades

    What are Retrogrades and why do they matter?